My Journey So Far
My Journey
I arrived in the UK as a teenager hardly speaking any English. I vividly remember not being able to understand a word of what people were saying - it turned out that the real spoken language was nothing like the recordings I had been learning from! Accents, colloquialisms and the speed with which everyone was speaking was bewildering.
By some miracle I got into a University to study law of all things.. What a ride that was... I remember taking a tape recorder to lectures and then listening to those recordings hundreds of times trying to figure out what the lecturer was saying and then what it all actually meant.
Then by yet another miracle I managed to get a training contract at a City law firm. Everyone was so well spoken and as I was so self conscious of my accent, I spoke very little. In my 360 reviews "unassuming and quiet" was a constant theme at the time.
In the legal years that followed, I remember life as lots more studying, working hard and having to focus on what really mattered just to keep my head above water.
From law, I moved onto working at a top tier multi national bank where I learnt a huge amount again. This is where I got the glimpse of the real life implications of regulatory compliance for financial institutions and realised that the status quo was just not sustainable.

TAINA's Journey
Looking back, focusing on what really matters is how the idea of TAINA was born. Our mission was and remains to deliver best in class regulatory solutions to the industry - revolutionising customers' experience, reducing risks and savings costs.
During my time at the bank, I saw first hand the stress and the pressure that the compliance functions of financial institutions are under. Regulatory compliance is getting ever more complex with over-lapping global regulations, human and consultancy costs rising. Bank's legacy systems are struggling to keep up customer experience is absolutely terrible.
I could see the difference we could make if we started fresh. It was as clear to me then, as it is now, that the answer was not more consulting but technology.
With the TAINA platform we are able to deliver a proven reduction of over 85% in going back and forth with customers for tax forms, eliminating the chasing and frustration on both sides. The TAINA platform has also helped our clients save75% of their time on validating FATCA and CRS forms and reduced cost per form by 84%.
I am exceptionally proud of TAINA's ability to deliver tangible results for our customers and work every day to go further and faster.

Industry-centric Approach
TAINA has been built with the benefit of many thousands of hours of conversations, with thought leaders in our space, to ensure that what we were building added real tangible value.
This remains and will continue to be our approach - everything we build gets validated and tested with industry's thought leaders.
Collaboration is Key for TAINA as it was for me when I started out and we have always worked very closely with the industry, engaging with the best minds and most experienced experts on the ground to generate the best possible solutions making a tangible positive difference.
This is why we have global financial institutions like HSBC and Deutsche Bank amongst our investors and we will undoubtedly have more of our clients becoming our investors.
TAINA's Growth
As a result of this close industry engagement, TAINA has won Top UK RegTech 2021 & 2022, Best Tax Compliance Solution 2021, Most Robust FinTech Platform 2021, Best Regulatory Solution for FATCA/CRS, Best Onboarding Solution Vendor 2021 to name a few. See more TAINA awards here.
TAINA has just scratched the surface of the value it is capable of creating for the industry at large as we continue to scale.
As we add more and more powerful capabilities in adjacent areas, the synergies and the economies of scale for our clients will grow exponentially.
In adding new capabilities we are always going to target the biggest next pain and priority of our clients.

In The Press